My Banded Time

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude and Thanks

I just have to say...that I'm thankful for:

1)  Blogger friends-Anonymous strangers who have bonded and supported me on my recent WLS journey.  I have experienced so much kindness and great/uplifting and edifying advice.  I'm truly a private person, I never thought I'd blog but I'm glad I did.

2)  A Husband who loves me regardless of size.   He and my kids give me unconditional support and a beautiful family structure.  I'm really thankful to God for  bringing me someone so healthy and grounded into my life.

3)  My 9 year old  Son - who started reading diet books and gave me the motivation to go do something about my weight so that I can usher him through his life transitions.

4)  My Work Health Insurance - I had to switch jobs in March and my new employer provides great health insurance which covered WLS.

5)  My New Firm and Job - I had to change firms in March because my old firm wasn't doing to well and we lost a contract.  I ended up at this firm which has opened up so many opportunities and has given me so many mentors.  I'm glad the firm doesn't have the crazy dysfunction that I experienced in other firms.

6) The Band - which prohibits me from overeating and which is re programming me to view food differently and in a healthy way.

7) My Perennially Size 4 BFF - who encouraged me to go for it in terms of weight loss surgery.   Even though obesity is not an issue she grapples with she has so much empathy for me.

8) Blogger Friends...can I say this again and again and again?  I've met such a great virtual support group.


  1. We are ALL glad you are blogging - and you lift US up as well, more than you can imagine.. We truly are a sisterhood, and I wouldn't have it any other way! You're special, and I always look forward to reading your posts AND your comments!

    Thank you!!

  2. What a great list! And like Lisa said, you uplift and support us on our journeys too! We're all in this together :)

  3. I am glad you have so much in life to be thankful for-- it's a good thing :)
