My Banded Time

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The gift of fat...

Being overweight is hard...its difficult on your body...difficult on your ego...difficult for your social life...difficult for your career...difficult on your relationships.  But one thing I noticed/learned from this blogging community is that many who have struggled with their weight and the demons that cause obesity have emerged with a  deep and wonderful compassion.  I've seen this compassion in my followers' encouraging posts and messages to others.  I've also experienced the kindness of blogger sisters who have lifted me up day to day as I start this journey.

What I'm trying to say is that many of you are beautiful inside and I appreciate you so much!


  1. It is insane how much support we all have here! Never thought I would blog OR infact need to blog! But it has been the best thing for my little soul!

  2. I am a new follower - love your blog! I have experienced the same support, care and friendship in those I've "met" it blogland. What started out as a journal of sorts has become so much more - thanks for your post!

  3. I love this post. This little community is the best, isn't it!?
